Javelin Stamp 8000146
簡要描述:A microcontroller programmed in JAVA
Javelin Stamp
The Javelin Stamp is a single board computer that�s designed to function as an easy-to use programmable brain for electronic products and projects. it�s about the size and shape of a commemorative postage stamp. It is programmed using software on a PC and a subset of Sun Microsystems Java� programming language. After the program is downloaded to the Javelin, it can run the program without any further help from the PC. The Javelin can be programmed and re-programmed up to one million times.
Some of the other features that set the Javelin apart from BASIC Stamps are:
The instruction codes for the Javelin are fetched and executed from a parallel SRAM instead of a serial EEPROM.
The Javelin has 32k of RAM/program memory with a flat architecture. No more program banks, and no more tight squeezes with variable space.
The Javelin has built in Virtual Peripherals (VPs) that take care of serial communication, pulse width modulation and tracking time in the background.
Serial communication is buffered as a background process. When writing programs, all you have to do is periodically check the buffer.
The Javelin Stamp Integrated Development Environment (Javelin Stamp IDE) software is a significant departure from a simple Editor and messages window combination. When used with the Javelin connected to a PC by a serial cable, this software can be used as a highly integrated in-circuit debugging system that allows you to run code, set breakpoints and view variable values, memory usage, I/O pin states and more. There is also no need for emulators; the Javelin can be placed directly into the circuit and debugged there.
Delta-sigma A/D conversion.
D/A conversion is accomplished in the background as a continuous pulse train delivered by an I/O pin. The pulse width modulation VP can also be used for generating pulse trains, frequencies, and D/A conversions in the background while your foreground code is free to perform other tasks